Loan Periods and Charges
Borrow Free, Fine Free
You can now borrow books from Luton Libraries without any fear of fines. You can borrow free – and stay fine free.
However, that does mean that we ask you to….
Be kind, renew or return.
Please be kind and either renew or return your books. There are no fines for bringing your books back late, but please be considerate of other readers waiting for books. Our system will also block your card when books are late for more than 49 days.
Item Type |
Loan Period and Charge |
Requests and Reservations | Free |
Books & Audio Books | Free to borrow for 3 weeks |
eBooks & eAudiobooks | Free to borrow for 2, or 3 weeks |
eMagazines | Free to borrow for 1, 2, or 3 weeks |
Music CDs | £1.60 (£1 concessions) to borrow for 1 week 25p daily fine (15p concessions) |
DVDs | £2.10 (£1.60 concessions) to borrow for 1 week 25p daily fine (15p concessions) |
Lost and damaged items | Cost of the item as listed on the catalogue. If no price is listed, a member of our team will identify the cost. We do not charge for damaged books for under-fives. e.g. board books and picture books. We do not accept replacement copies acquired by the customer. |
Concessionary rates apply to those in receipt of benefits and those aged under 18 or over 60.
Items borrowed from libraries outside Luton may incur different charges and fines.
Item Type |
Charge |
Lost Library Card | Free |
Photocopying | A4 B&W single-sided: 20p A3 B&W single-sided: 40p |
Printing | A4 B&W: 20p A4 Colour: 40p A3 B&W: 40p A3 Colour (where available): 80p |
Computers | Library members: Free for two hours per day. Each additional hour: £1 (60p concessions) Additional time is free for children and young people, under 19, in statutory education. Non-library members: £3 per hour. Proof of identity, such as a passport or bank statement, is required. |
Posters | Please speak to a member of our team about prices. |